
Friday, December 02, 2011


hey fellas! long time no see. so, where are ya? my feeling now really like shit. being senior and all. But the main cause why my mood being down like this because my try out score really bad. can you imagine, i have 6 subject who tested and i just pass 3! YEAH JUST 3! oh men, i think my world gonna fall down *lebay mode on* oh and you know the quotes "be careful what you say because one day it come back to bite you?" well, my friends have experience like that, so yeah be careful what you say. btw, for some of this week my sarcasm really out of control, i don't know why. but i love it. I love when my sarcasm back, because I'm kinda tired being good girl and all. btw next monday i have final exam, wish me luck guys :D
p.s : i hope i don't get remedial.

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